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The clay minerals content can be obtained from various logs with certain advantages and inherent limitations, but the most commonly used technique and probably one of the most accurate methods is based on the using natural gamma ray log and the spectral components of it (i.e., K, and Th) [4, 5, 18]. The natural gamma ray log and its spectral logging data, comprising potassium (wt%), thorium (ppm), and uranium (ppm) respond to the natural radioactivity in the formation originates mainly from 40 K (0.01167% of total naturally occurring potassium), 232 Th (100% of natural thorium) and 235 U (% of the total uranium) isotopes and their daughter products in the both cased and open boreholes . The clay minerals are often the primarily radiation sources in the formations . This means that the natural gamma ray and its spectral data are often capable of distinguishing between the clay-free (low reading) and the clay-rich sandstones (high reading) on general . The response of the natural gamma ray log and its spectral components can be expressed as a linear function of the clay content (i.e., IA in Eq. 1) with assumption of the constant radioactivity, no additional radioactive elements, good borehole conditions, and no variation in the density .
During the establish study, the new quantitative mineralogy off 76 key examples obtained from the latest Shurijeh Formation is employed to evaluate the precision out of a multitude of established amendment strategies for the sheer gamma beam and its own spectral areas investigation. The accuracy of your methods is appeared based on lowest mediocre % relative mistake each and every petrophysical method for estimation the volume away from clay, with the evaluation of record-derived philosophy on the real research-mentioned regularity % out-of clay nutritional elements. Some initiatives are also made to calibrate new logging thinking towards the laboratory-derived clay contents of 76 core products from the running a low-linear regression calibration dating between the center-measured clay articles in addition to absolute gamma ray directory. Ultimately, this new depositional ecosystem and differing clay type of the new Shurijeh Formation had been acknowledged, utilizing the spectral gamma beam logging ratios and relevant get across-plots, respectively.
The linear natural gamma ray and the potassium and thorium indexes (IGR, IPOTA, and ITHOR) were continuously calculated at each depth level from the corrected logging data, using the Eq. (1).
The fresh relative glance at the Shrijeh Formation weight percent clay off brand new core data and other improvement suggested by Larinov , Clavier , Steiber , Dewan , Bhuyan and Passey and empirical calibration dating (dashed curvilinear lines). Black colored circle Gas promoting really analysis circumstances, and you will black right up-pointing triangle this new low-generating better data points
The average clay contents achieved by the fresh in your town calibrated gamma beam index was indeed 9. These numbers had been lower compared to beliefs obtained from this new former variations and you may was much more conformity into the laboratory mentioned studies. These results have experienced a beneficial effect on the fresh estimation out-of hydrocarbon set up and you may supplies of one’s Shurijeh. Full, both the real and quotes from pounds per cent clay regarding various other improvement, put the fresh new Shurijeh Formation from the shaly sandstone group.
Rudi Am, Afarin Meters (2016) Interpretation the origin and you may tectonic means of coastal sediments regarding Northeastern out of Oman Water. Int J Waste Resour 6(dosdos4):2